Q’ero Nation
Don Victor Chura Quispe
Don Victor Chura Quispe was born in the Q'eros Community, which is located in the high altitudes of the Andean Mountains southeast of Cusco, Peru. He was traditionally initiated on his spiritual path at a young age by being struck by lightening while pastoring the family herds in the mountains.
Don Victor spent a substantial amount of his youth raised by his grandfather and grandmother, from whom he learned and lived the traditional ancestral ways. He lived with his grandfather, who was a wise Paqo in the Q'ero Nation, and was initially trained by him in the teachings and ceremonies as a Paqo, while deeply developing his divination and observation skills. When he was young, Don Victor's grandfather would tell him he was destined to be a great Paqo and that with his faith and trust in the Apus and Pachamama, he would always be guided in his spiritual path.
Don Victor also trained extensively with his grandmother, who was a very well-known healer consulted and present for women's health, pregnancy, and delivery. Don Victor trained and explored alongside many great Masters, one of them being Tupacanchi Adolfo Ttito Condori whom he studied with for 14 years. He eventually met his dear wife, Celia Samata Apaza, also from the Q'eros nation. Within the family of these great healers who were. important teachers for him are his father-in-law, Don Marcelino Samata, a Pampamasoyoq, and Doña María Apaza, his wife's grandmother, the great Altomesayoq. Don Victor is known for the joy and humility he brings to his work, and it is with pride and sincerity that he inspires his students to be an example to follow on this sacred wisdom path."