We are excited to be offering this upcoming Pleiades Nusta Course Series being taught by Nelida Vilca Huaman, live from Chinchero Peru. She walks the path of the Nusta’s of her lineage of the Rainbow, the Seven Sisters.
This class will be either an expansion of our Basic Nusta Mesa series or it can be a series just for the ones that only want to walk with the Mesa of the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters.
This series is an introduction of the Seven Sisters and the Sacred Divine Feminine. We will be opening, connecting and celebrating the rising of each star. These Star's represents a storehouse full of seeds of Love, Health, Wisdom, Fortune, Luck, Prosperity, Happiness are just some of the energies they offer us.
In each class there will be a teaching of each individual Star, along with guidance and activating the Kuya for our Mesa.
You can purchase as a package for a discount or one at a time. Each class will be recorded if you cannot attend the live class.
To live a healthy life. It is the first star ready to bring you a life of vitality and harmonizing relationships with the divine feminine.
This star corresponds to the enlightened life. It is the second ray and it brings us to feel beyond blessed and you will shine so brightly
This star corresponds to living a rich life. It brings to us, abundance in all ways.
This star is teaches us how to live an awakened life.
This star shows us how to live the sweet life.
This goddess teaches us how to live a sacred life.